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                当前位置:首页 > 西安电子科技大学 > 新闻公告 >

                “渊潺方寸 道引舟行”西安电子科技大学模拟联合国十周年大会成功举办

                2019-12-04 0 新闻公告 来源:西安电子科技大学新闻网

                西电新闻网讯(通讯员 赵璐)11月29日-12月1日,西安电子科技大学模拟联合国十周年大会成功举办,为期三天。本次大会共有42名代表及26名志愿者报名参加,其中11名参会代表及6名志愿者获奖。外国语学院→党委副书记贺振航、外国语学院团委书记赵璐及本届模拟联合国大会全体组委、代表、主席出席了大会开幕式。

                大会的主题为“渊潺方寸 道引舟行”,意在让全体参会人员拥国际视野,念新锐思想,追求真知,展现时代风采。大会设有两个委员会,分别为英文委员会(Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations)和中文委员会(联合国安全理事会)。其中英文委员会的议题为“To Promote Food Production Worldwide”,中文委员会的议题为“古巴导弹危机”。在会场中,各位代表须站在其代表国的立场上,通过阐述、协商、辩论、书写文件等方式共同解决他们的议题所对应的问题和危机,推动会议进程,并通过起草、表决文件的方式来推出他们的会议成果。对于他们的国际视野和思辨能力而言,这既是考验,也是锻炼的机会。整场会议中,英文委员会有1个全票通过的决议草案,2份工作文件,2份指令草案,2份修正案。


                Food and Agriculture Organization of United Nations:

                Nowadays, many countries are adopting water-saving

                agriculture, ecological tourism agriculture and urban

                agriculture according to local conditions. Nevertheless, there

                are still countless states suffering from food shortage for want

                of adequate water, proper climate, and even investment.

                Besides, many insects are addressing pressure to the food

                supply. For instance, too many pests lead to the poor harvest;

                also the diminishing of bees is severely jeopardize the

                production of foodstuff, which could be seen as a vital reasons

                of low production of grains.

                Some countries are growing rapidly in population, but

                simultaneously they are losing lives due to inadequate of food

                and insufficient cultivated area. Fortunately, there are

                successful examples of promoting food production in the

                world, so we need your strength now, either to share your

                success stories so that other countries in the world can learn

                from you, especially those who are in the similar situations, or

                you can speak for your country and let others aware of your

                difficulties, besides, learn from them about what can be useful

                for your state. With real political commitment, bolder actions

                and the right investments, zero hunger is still achievable.



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