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                当前位置:首页 > 江南大学 > 新闻公告 >

                商学大★讲堂--Nigel Hayes:Monetary Policy & BREXIT implications

                2019-10-23 0 新闻公告 来源:江南大学新闻网


                讲座题目:Monetary Policy & BREXIT implications

                主讲嘉宾:Nigel Hayes





                Nigel Hayes, International Programmes Director, Finance & Management Control, a professor of Financial Economics at EADA Business School. Research interests: European Monetary Policy; Derivatives.

                Nigel Hayes has a post graduate degree in Financial Economics from Bikbeck College, University of London. Having worked in Switzerland for a number of years and holding various executive posts in companies in the financial sector, Nigel managed the company HC Finance and was a consultant for Intellexis (London). He has trained international bankers in financial matters ranging from bond trading and derivative products to financial mathematics. In 2002 Nigel contributed a number of chapters towards "Introduction to International Financial Markets" published by Reuters. He is currently the Director of the Masters in Management in EADA Business School, Barcelona, Spain. Nigel is a member of the EFMD Masters steering committee and also on the CFA Claritas steering committee.


                Nigel Hayes will present the current situation in Europe regarding Central Bank Monetary Policy and the implications of a “hard Brexit”. As the date of departure (31st October) approaches, a number of scenarios are being discussed both in the UK and in Europe. Both the UK central bank and the European central bank will need to be ready to react to a number of potential challenges.

                Nigel Hayes will analyze the current situation and possible outcomes of a no-deal or “hard” Brexit as he has been living in the UK, Spain and Switzerland for many years. The lecture will cover central bank monetary policy tools, the UK′s experience of joining the exchange rate mechanism, current expectations of the economic outlook in the UK and the EU, and finally his opinions about the most likely outcome of BREXIT.

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