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                Pro.Vladimir Zwass, Fairleigh Dickinson University: The Big Ideas in E-Business: A Janusian View and

                2019-10-25 0 新闻公告 来源:西南财经大学新闻网

                光华讲坛——社会名流与企业家论坛第 5565 期


                主题:The Big Ideas in E-Business: A Janusian View and an IS Publications Perspective

                主讲人:Pro.Vladimir Zwass, Fairleigh Dickinson University

                主持人:工商管●理学院 陈扬教授



                主办单位:工商管理学院 科研处



                Vladimir Zwass is the founding and present Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Management Information Systems, a top-ranked journal included in the Financial Times FT50 list, and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Electronic Commerce, the leading scholarly e-commerce journal. Dr. Zwass is Gregory Olsen Endowed Chair and University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Management Information Systems at Fairleigh Dickinson University, USA. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Columbia University. He is the author of six books and several book chapters, as well as a number of papers in various journals and conference proceedings.  His scholarly publications in the domains of knowledge management, e-commerce, and co-creation are considered foundational. Professor Zwass has received several grants, consulted for a number of major corporations, and is a frequent speaker to national and international audiences. He is a former member of the Professional Staff of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria.

                Vladimir Zwass是Journal of Management Information Systems(在FT50榜ξ单排名靠前)的创〓始人和现任主编,也是领先的电子商务学术期刊International Journal of Electronic Commerce主编。Zwass博士是美国费利·狄金森大学(Fairleigh Dickinson University)计☉算机科学与管理信息系统荣誉教授。他拥有哥伦比■亚大学计算机科学博士学位。他是六本书和其他一些书籍章节作者,发表了许多期刊论文◥和会议论文。他在知识管理、电子商务和共同创造领域※的学术出版物被认为是奠基性的。Zwass教授获得了几项资助,为许多大▓公司提供咨询,并经常在国内和国际听众面前演讲。他曾是奥地利维也纳国际原子能机构的专业人员。


                Business conducted via telecommunications networks, known as e-business, is a primary driver of the present economic development.  The future of national economies depends on the proper deployment of the big ideas that have emerged from the research and practice in the domain.  It is vital to give our scholarly attention to both the positive sides of these ideas, which are to be fostered, and to the dark sides that can undermine this development and are often overlooked.  I shall analyze the significance of the ten ideas that I consider the key to the further development of e-business and, taking the Janusian view, bring out their positive and negative aspects.  The analysis brings out a program of fruitful research.

                I will go on to discuss the role of research programs in Information Systems that can lead to a progress in the domain, focusing in particular on the need to combine the sociotechnical analysis with synthesis via design-science work.  It is important to maintain the often missing balance between the two sides of the field. Based on the decades of my experience as Editor-in-Chief of two leading journals, I will discuss the epistemological and instrumental roles such journals play in the discipline.  The fostering role of the journals should accompany the common filtering role.  I will offer pragmatic advice on achieving publication in such venues that aim at accepting significant novel contributions.

                通过电信》网络进行的业务,即电子商务,是当前经济发展的主要驱动力。国家经济的未来取决于在该领域的研究和实践中产生的伟大思想的正确部署。至关重要的是▅,我们要在学术上关注这些思想的积极面,这是要鼓励的,同时也要关注那些可能破坏这ζ一发展并经常被忽视的黑暗面。我将分析我认为是电子商务进一步发展的关键的十个思想的意义,并以多面共存性观点,指出它们的积极和ζ 消极的方面。分析得出了一个富有成果的研究方案。


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