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                新加坡管理大学:Cosmopolitan orientation and pro-environmental engagements: An integrative socio-cultural ac

                2019-12-26 0 新闻公告 来源:西南财经大学新闻网

                光华讲坛——社会名流与企业家论坛第 5681 期


                主题:Cosmopolitan orientation and pro-environmental engagements: An integrative socio-cultural account of pro-environmentalism

                主讲人:新加坡管理大学社会科学学院 梁嘉仪(Angela Leung)副教授

                主持人:西南财经大∮学公共管理学院 李晨晨副教授



                主办单位:西南财经大学 科研处


                Dr. Angela Leung is Associate Professor of Psychology at the Singapore Management University. She received her Ph.D. in Social Psychology at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Her research seeks to understand how people participate actively in dynamic cultural processes in both intra- and inter-cultural contexts, as well as the psychological implications for multicultural competence. Her publications have appeared in prestigious journals including American Psychologist, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Angela has edited two books on the psychological science of culture: Cultural processes: A social psychological perspective published by the Cambridge University Press in 2010 and Handbook of culture and creativity: Basic processes and applied innovations published by the Oxford University Press in 2018. Angela is currently the Associate Editor of the Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology and the Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Journal of Social Psychology.  She also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology and Management and Organization Review. Angela is the Lee Kong Chian Fellow in 2017-19 and 2019-20.

                Dr. Angela Leung现任新加坡管◢理大学心理学副教授。她于伊利诺伊大学(香槟分校)大学获得社会心理学博士学位。她╳的研究试图理解同文化和跨文化情境中,人们是如何积极参与到动态的文化过程中来的,以及这些参与过程对多』元文化能力的心理启示♂。她的研究成果在多种知名刊物上发表,如 American Psychologist, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Science, Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, and Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. Angela目前任Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 副主编,在Asian Journal of Social Psychology 担任共同责任▃主编。她同时是 Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 和Management and Organization Review的编委会∏成员。Angela 在2017-19 和 2019-20荣获了Lee Kong Chian Fellow的荣誉。



                Much research has examined individuals’ values and beliefs as antecedents of pro-environmental behaviors (PEB). I approach this question from the novel perspective of cosmopolitan orientation (CO). I define CO as made up of three essential qualities: cultural openness, global prosociality, and respect for cultural diversity.  In this talk, I will first present two studies that validated the Cosmopolitan Orientation Scale (COS) with theoretically related criterion measures across Singaporean, Australian, and American samples.  Next, in two studies I will demonstrate the theoretical utility of studying CO in motivating pro-environmentalism.  Study 1 showed that CO predicts PEB above and beyond pro-environmental worldview, motivation, and belief. Study 2 tested the mediating and moderating roles of individuals’ socio-cultural orientations, namely CO, perceived social mobility, and social dominance orientation (SDO) in the study of PEB. This theoretical integration bridges pro-environmentalism research with different facets of individuals’ socio-cultural orientations pertaining to the societal structure (social mobility), cultural openness and respect (CO), and group-based hierarchy and inequality (SDO).  This perspective advances an integrative approach demonstrating how the interplay of people’s perceptions about the social, cultural, and group standing impacts the likelihood of pro-environmental actions. I will discuss the implications that an egalitarian worldview toward other cultures, social groups, and human-nature relations might be key to addressing the global challenge of climate change.

                本研究主要从一个新颖的视角-Cosmopolitan Orientation Scale (COS)-来关注这一个人信念╱是如何影响环保行为的。本次讲座将报告两个检验COS量表效度的研究。该量表的↘效度通过新加坡、澳大利亚和美国样本的数据,以及理论相关的校标测量进行检验。之后两个∑研究则进一步检验COS对环保行为的影响,以及多种个体社会-文化倾向的中介作用和调节△作用。本研究提供了一个整合的视←角,揭示了人们对于社会、文化和群体地位的感知是如何共︽同作用影响环保行为↑的。



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