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                当前位置:首页 > 北京师范大学 > 新闻公告 >


                2021-07-07 0 新闻公告 来源:北京师范大学新闻网





                BNU Newsletter是由北京师范大学国际交流与合作处主办的全英文期刊,以展示学校最新动态、重大事件、学术研究成果、国际合作交流←、师生精神『面貌等为主要内容,主要用于对外交流与合作中展示和推介学校及学部院系具有全球影响力的重大⊙成果,推动我校的全球发展。投稿及建议请致函:bnunewsletter@bnu.edu.cn 。 

                BNU Newsletter Issue 7 is now online! This issue specially sets up a special topic "The Roles of Education for Poverty Alleviation under the Framework of 2030 Agenda", including the special report and the splendid speeches made by the participants, which shows China latest achievements on poverty alleviation of education and the advice on discussing ways to mutual development of poverty alleviation and education and jointly promoting the SDGs by experts from all around world.


                People column of this issue tell the shining story of teachers and students from School of Life Sciences, Department of Psychology and School of Chinese Language and Literature, which shows BNUers’ spirit and demeanor.

                The Newsletter Issue 7 is released through the official website, official Weibo, the website of Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Beijing Normal University. Welcome to read and make valuable suggestions. It can be viewed and downloaded on the official website of Beijing Normal University: https://english.bnu.edu.cn/newsevents/newsletters/index.htm。

                scan the QR code to view and download

                BNU Newsletter is an English language journal sponsored by the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation of Beijing Normal University. It displays the latest developments, major events, academic research results, international cooperation and exchanges, and the vigor of BNU teachers and students. It focuses on international exchanges and cooperation, the display and promotion of the major achievements of BNU schools and faculties and their global influence, and promotion of the global development of our school. Please write to us for contribution and suggestions: bnunewsletter@bnu.edu.cn。

                未经允许不得转载:二九年华大学门户 » 北京师范大学Newsletter第七期正式发布

