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                [预告]02.19 恢复▲生态系统:联合国十年计划的关键性思考

                2021-02-17 0 新闻公告 来源:北京师范大学新闻网


                时间:2月19日(周五) 19:30 (英国时间11:30 AM)



                丹尼斯·斯诺尔 (牛津大学)

                弗里德里克·奥托 (牛津大学)

                杨晓帆 (北京师范大学)

                参加方式:免费参加,注册请前往 “https://www.ox.ac.uk/event/reversing-degradation-ecosystem-critical-consideration-un-restoration-goals”



                自2020年北京师范大学与牛津大学就“疫情对话:新冠疫苗全球分配的公平伦理方案”开启第一场云对话后,2021年春季学期,继续举办第二场“ 恢复ξ 生态系统:联合国十年计划的关键性思考”云对话。当前全球背景下,社会、政治、经济的动荡和生态灾难相互交织,加剧了国家内部和国际社会之间的分歧。该系列的特色▅是法律、政治、国际事务、生态和经济学领域的专家将利用他们的研究和专业实践,对冲突和分歧的复杂性提供有见地的分析,指导我们对当前的危机进行更深入的思考,期待将一些危机转化为∞建立和恢复全球合作的机会。

                本期的对话人为来自于牛津大学布拉瓦尼克政府學院高级研究员丹尼斯·斯诺→尔教授︽, 他曾担任二十国集团政府首脑智库(T20)主席;另一位对话人为牛津大学环境变化研究所副所长弗雷德里克·奥托教授。





                Reversing the Degradation of the Ecosystem: A Critical Consideration of the UN Restoration Goals


                 Oxford Prospects and Global Development Institute (OPGDI) hosts four conversations, within the series theme of “restoration”, between academics and policy-makers.


                This term’s four online conversations will explore some of the challenges in the current global context, where social and political unrest, economic disorder and ecological disaster are intersecting and intensifying divisions within and between nations. The series features experts in law, politics, international affairs, ecology and economics. Drawing upon their research and professional practice, they will offer insightful analysis into the complexities of conflict and division, guiding us to think more deeply on present crises – some of which can perhaps be transformed into opportunities for building and restoring global cooperation.


                Oxford Prospects and Global Development Institute (OPGDI) in partnership with Beijing Normal University hosts this conversation, within the series theme of “restoration”, between academics and policy makers.




                Dennis Snower is a Senior Research Fellow at the Blavatnik School of Government of Oxford University, as well as a non-resident Fellow of Brookings Institution, and a Research Fellow at the Center for Economic Policy Research (London), at IZA (Institute for the Future of Work, Bonn), and CESifo (Munich). Professor Snower is founder and President of the Global Solutions Initiative and Professor of Macroeconomics and Sustainability at the Hertie School in Berlin. He was President of the Kiel Institute for the World Economy and Professor of Economics at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel until February 2019. In 2017 he was made Co-Chairman of the officially mandated Think 20 Engagement Group (T20), advising the German G20 presidency. He holds a BA and an MA from New College, Oxford University, and an MA and a PhD from Princeton University. Prior to becoming President of the Kiel Institute, he was Professor of Economics at Birkbeck College, University of London.



                Dr Friederike Otto is Associate Director of the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, and an Associate Professor in the Global Climate Science Programme. She is the co-lead of World Weather Attribution (WWA), pioneering rapid attribution studies in an international effort to analyse and communicate the possible influence of climate change on extreme weather events. She was named one of New Scientist's 'Ones to Watch' and in 2020 'climate change attribution' was named one of MIT Tech Review's top ten breakthrough technologies. In 2020, she became one of 10 international climate scientists to join the core writing team of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Synthesis Report of the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) - the document that will integrate all the IPCC reports in the current assessment cycle. Her work has been featured extensively in global media including the FT, Economist, Times of India, Sun, Wall Street Journal, Telegraph, Guardian, New York Times, Washington Post, Daily Mail, Die Zeit, Der Spiegel, BBC, and CNN.



                Xiaofan Yang is currently a Professor in Earth System Science affiliated with Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University (BNU). Her research interests include hydrology and water resources, soil and water pollution, watershed science and ecosystem function. She has published more than 60 research articles in scientific journals and has been the PI/Co-PI of research projects funded by the government and industry in both China and the U.S. She is also the national representative of International Arctic Science Committee. She holds a BEng from Tsinghua University, China, an MSc from Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and a PhD from Kansas State University, USA. Before joining BNU, she was a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.


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