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                当前位置:首页 > 华中农业大学 > 新闻公告 >


                2021-08-05 0 新闻公告 来源:华中农业大学新闻网

                南湖新闻网讯 (通讯员 郑宏运)近日,我校农业产业与技术经济团队发表了关于有机土壤改良剂(Organic Soil Amendments)采纳对农业生产绩效影响的研究成果。该研究利用558个小麦种植户调研数据→,分析了有机肥和农家肥等有机土壤改良剂采纳的影响因素及其采纳对作物产量和净收益的影响。研究成果以“Adoption of Organic Soil Amendments and its Impact on Farm Performance: Evidence from Wheat Farmers in China”为题在Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics发表。







                This study examines the determinants of adoption of organic soil amendments (OSAs) such as organic fertiliser and farmyard manure and its impact on crop yields and net returns, using household survey data of 558 wheat farmers in China. We employ an endogenous switching regression model to account for selection bias stemming from both observable and unobservable factors. The empirical results show that household size, dependency ratio, machine ownership and non-paid labour are main factors that determine farmers’ decision to adopt OSA, and the OSA adoption has a positive and statistically significant impact on wheat yields and net returns. In particular, the treatment effects of OSA adoption are to increase wheat yields and net returns by appropriately 22 and 24 per cent, respectively. Moreover, disaggregated analysis by farm size reveals that large-scale households tend to obtain higher wheat yields and net returns than their small-scale counterparts.


                未经卐允许不得转载:二九年华大学门户 » 我校农业产业与技术经济团队在农业生产绩效及影响因素研究上取得进展
